It's always important to get your vehicle looked at after that check engine light comes on. It can be an easy thing to want to ignore, but every time you get in and start it up, it reminds you there's a lurking problem in your car. One of these instances could be something severe, like problems with the transmission. Thankfully there are a few more warning signs than the check engine light to let you know if your transmission is starting to go.
Do you feel a slight slipping when you switch gears? This is one of the first tell-tale signs that your transmission needs fixing. If gone unchecked, it could cause the vehicle to slip into other gears which could end in a lot of damage. If feeling a physical slip isn't as clear, this issue also comes with a loud, irritating noise that's a hard one to ignore.
Along with slipping into unwanted gears, another sign of a bad transmission is a lot of forced effort to switch gears. That means that it's harder than usual to shift gears and it's not a smooth motion. This too will give away a loud clunking noise in the shifting efforts. After shifting, there will also be a delayed reaction when going from say, P to D. It takes longer for the vehicle to engage in the newly shifted gear and even though the engine may be revived, it doesn't make the vehicle move forward.
Leaking fluids is never a good sign, and it's no different for transmission fluid. Vehicles take all kinds of liquids to keep it running, all of which have their indicating colors. If you're worried about what might be dripping from your undercarriage, place a piece of cardboard underneath the vehicle. This will give you a better visual of what type of fluid is coming out. If the fluid is a red or reddish brown - this is transmission fluid, and this is a big problem. Those fluids are supposed to be in sealed areas, and this means there's been a compromise within the transmission.
Stop ignoring that check engine light today! Bring your vehicle into Accurso Auto for a diagnostic test at a nearby shop. These tests are typically free and will let you know what's going on with the insides of your vehicle. Transmissions are one of the most expensive repairs in a vehicle, but knowing the warning signs and getting them checked out as soon as possible can save the pain on your wallet later.