11615 County Road 108, Oxford, FL 34484 • Just west of Wal-Mart in The Villages® community on CR 466

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4 preventative maintenance tips for your car.

Just like getting regular checkups from a doctor for your health, preventative maintenance of your vehicle's health should never be ignored. Preventative maintenance allows you to catch small problems before they become significant problems.

Before beginning any maintenance checks, read your owner's manual.

Here are four preventative tips for preserving your engine:

Your vehicle's owner's manual contains information that helps protect you from voiding your warranty or causing damage to your car. For example, if you're using the wrong oil or fuel, you could be causing harm to other systems in your vehicle. Read the manual and follow the instructions. If you cannot locate your manual, look online for it.

  1. Perform your inspections regularly.
    This includes checking your tire pressure every month, making sure all of your lights are working correctly and looking for tire tread wear indicators. If anything seems out of the ordinary, schedule a maintenance appointment, do not ignore it.
  2. Learn to check your engine fluids. You should understand how to check your antifreeze, coolant, power steering, oil, and wiper fluid. Most of these have dipsticks to pull and check the current level against the optimal level. If your owner's manual doesn't mention transmission fluid or antifreeze, don't hesitate to open your hood and try to locate it. Never ignore a leak.
  3. Know when your timing and serpentine belts need to be replaced. While the common understanding is to replace your timing belt every 60,000 miles, and your serpentine belt every 40,000 miles, again, consult your owner's manual. Use your manual's recommendation as a guideline and ask your mechanic to inspect the belts when you near the appropriate time to replace them.
  4. Check your oil and get regular oil changes. Whether you have a dipstick or an electronic gauge, you should know how to check your oil. Refer to your owner's manual to find out how frequently your oil should be changed and know what signs to look for if your oil is murky.

If you do need repairs on your vehicle, Accurso Auto Repair is the place to go. Click HERE for a free estimate.

Finally heading out on a road trip? Get your vehicle checked first!

The days of the pandemic are finally on the mend. Now we can take our masks off and breathe a sigh of relief and take that road trip we were planning last Summer. Taking a road trip with the whole gang is a staple in some families, and it has probably been a while since most family members have seen each other face to face. Before you set off on this adventure, making a checklist is probably one of the most important things to do. At the very top of your list shouldn't be to bring extra underwear or an extra toothbrush; nope, it should be to make sure your vehicle can handle the drive!

Finish reading Finally heading out on a road trip? Get your vehicle checked first! ...

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 20 seconds

What's That Noise and What Does it Mean?

Hearing a funny sound coming from your vehicle is never a good thing. Cars can make different noises from time to time. A squealing when you stop usually means your brake pads need to be inspected. 

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Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 9 seconds

What's coming with the Apple Car?

The Apple Car has been in speculation for years now. Everyone has always wondered when the billion-dollar company would be manufacturing cars. And now, that might actually be happening.

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Estimated reading time: 1 minute